I spent last night in Falls Church, Virginia, with my sister, her husband, and their 7-month old girl, Julia. As I have been saying, it was a very underwhelming homecoming for me as there was no one with flowers or a banner waiting for me at the airport. Instead I collected my bags, bought a Washington Flyer bus ticket to the Falls Church Metro Station, and then walked about 20 minutes from the Metro to my sisters house and let myself in. Since I had spent my entire flight from Paris to Dulles watching movies (No Reservations, Die Hard IV, and Waitress), by the time everyone over here starting arriving back from work and daycare I was ready for bed and I am sure did not make very charming company.
I started my evening on the floor of Julia's room, since 8 oclock EST felt like 3 am to me. She was up and down during the night almost as much as I was, but didn't have the crazy circadian clock at 2 am telling her body, "Wake Up. It's 9 am Paris time!" I padded around the house from 2-5 am before falling asleep again on the couch. It is a little surreal to be back at home under such mundane circumstances. When I arrived back at Dulles and was passing out of customs, my heart caught TO BE CONTINUED
The above are photos of my niece, Julia, who will knows me as "Aunt Sylly" (if she knows me at all).
It has been really interesting to see her and to compare her with the other infant in my life, Mr. Ian Russell Griffin Barnhart. Julia is about 7 weeks ahead of Ian in age, but seems like she comes from an entirely different planet.
First of all, she is HUGE! 95% percentile in length and weight with the head circumference of an adult and the grip of a pro-wrestler. She is already 18 lbs+ and has a very nice little pot belly that I think she puts to good use as a sitting aid. I watched her guzzle ~7 ounces of formula in one sitting last night before bed, and that was AFTER her dinner of mashed green beans.
Secondly, she is quiet and reserved. Unlike Ian who REALLY likes to be attached to someone, either physically or socially, Julia seems quite content to entertain herself on her mat or in her bed. Even when you are holding her, she stares out at you with big unblinking eyes as if she is sizing up whether to let you in to her inner sanctum or not.
I am very lucky to have both babies in my life, particularly since I don't think I want one of my own. My favorite, of course, is playing dress up with them. Oh, wait till their mom's see the presents I got the babes from Dubai! ;-)))
"The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land." ~G.K. Chesterton
Saw this and thought of you. ;)
Cute pictures. Great blog for the past 2 months. Glad you are home, though.
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