Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Countdown...travel insurance

The list of details to take care of before I jet out of the country on September 22nd continues to grow each day. I have finally decided to make use of the "Task" feature of Microsoft Outlook, because the minute that one task pops into my mind, another one surely dissipates in the wind. On Sunday night I was able to cross a BIG one off my to-do list: to purchase traveler's medical insurance without an exclusion for terrorism-related events. It is something that we are lucky not to think about much over here in the US, and it is highly unlikely that I will encounter anything like that where I am going, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

The whole subject of inclusions and exclusions for medical coverage has been on my mind. I have scoured my employer's summary of benefits. I have been back and forth with the benefits administrator to make sure that I will be covered for most things whether I am in Morehead City or Marrakesh. But the two things that struck me were exclusions for medical expenses related to acts of terror and emergency transport service not initiated in either Canada, Mexico, or the contiguous 48 United States. The terrorism exclusion stunned me...what happened to all those poor souls affected by the tragic events of September 11? Were they left to fend for themselves? Did the government step into fill the void. With a little internet research I discovered that the wording of most policies in 2001 forced insurers to pay for losses incurred as a result of the 9/11 attacks...they were not war-related (a standard exclusion), and thus the insurance companies and re-insurance companies were expected to pony up over $40 B in loss claims. Not surprisingly, when reinsurance contracts were up for renewal in early 2002, terrorism exclusion clauses appeared. I hunted high and low to make sure that I had coverage should I happen to be sitting in an internet cafe in Casablanca and the guy next to me decides to do something crazy. Thank goodness I found it with HTH Travel Insurance. For less than $100, I am insured for pregnancy (ha!), terrorism, and all pre-existing conditions, plus I get medical evacuation to the tune of $50,000 thrown into boot. Thank goodness! Now I am ready to get out there and TRAVEL!
(source for insurance information: http://wgains.com/Assets/WhitePapers/Terror702.PDF_

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you going to hit the tanning booth a few times before you roll?